Monday, August 31, 2009

Funny Girl

So, these are a couple of funny things that Heidi did this past weekend. It was about 4 in the afternoon and Heidi had her finger in her mouth, feeling her teeth. She took her finger out, shrugged her shoulders and said, "Hmm. Must've been a dream." I chuckled and asked what she was talking about. She said that she thought she lost a tooth, but she didn't feel any gone, so it must have been a dream. I like how she didn't think to feel her teeth until 4 in the afternoon, instead of after waking up from the dream. Now this one is really good. All of the kids fell asleep in the van on the way home from Indiana Beach on Saturday. When we got home, there was a letter in the mail for Heidi that had a return address on it. I woke her up, but she was still pretty out of it. I pointed to the return address and asked who it was from. With eyes lit up with surprise, she said, "The president!!" I laughed and said, "Whose name is on there?" Still really excited, she said, "Barack Obama!" It was from her cousin, Grace. I don't know why she thought it was from the President, but it was pretty funny.

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